Just made my first blog!! Well, Georg helped me of course..:)
Lying in bed sick...so I had to find something to do.....I am soooooo bored. It is just that much you can stand of "These are the days of our lifes" and "Glamour", which I hate by the way...! And I think Georg is pretty tired of watching "Sex in the City" again...hehe...but I love it though. Hope to be able to go back to work tomorrow.....back to my exciting life, so I will have something more cool to write about.
Just made my first blog!! Well, Georg helped me of course..:)
Lying in bed sick...so I had to find something to do.....I am soooooo bored. It is just that much you can stand of "These are the days of our lifes" and "Glamour", which I hate by the way...! And I think Georg is pretty tired of watching "Sex in the City" again...hehe...but I love it though. Hope to be able to go back to work tomorrow.....back to my exciting life, so I will have something more cool to write about.
At 10:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hei snuppa... :) Så fin blogg du har fått deg. Jeg kom ikke inn på profilen din da, men det fikser seg sikkert senere. Stakkars deg, er du syk igjen du da. God bedring i alle fall. Så bra at din kjære har kommet til deg da... :) Tenker du koser deg nå. Husk festen i Larvik i påska da, hadde vært kjempe kos om dere kom en tur. Glad i deg, klem Therese... :)
At 11:14 AM,
Georg Muntingh said…
Hey, you already got a comment! Now I won't be the first to comment on your blog :D. You should get well very fast (and that's not because I'm tired of Sex and the City :)).
At 10:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Although we also are not the first who make a comment, we will use the opportunity.
It is a very nice picture from Georg you took.
But there is nothing written about the exiting trip from Holland to Norway.
We hope the healthy lifestyle will keep the both of you out of bed.
Eh vitamine C doesn't help after 15.00 pm
I cann't remember why but they say so.
Hils Georg
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