I HATE Chess.no and Posten!!!
Just need to get some frustration out! We just have needed to take a lot of crap lately...uff...! I have my mobile phone SIM card from chess.no, and they are very cheap. But there are some negative thing with having a cheap SIM card provider. I just bought a new phone, and I found out that it didn't register my SIM card. They told me that new phones are more sensitive to stripes in the SIM card and I probably needed another one, so They was gone send me one right away. It took some time, and then suddenly my old phone, which I still used, stopped working. I called them up, with my brothers phone, and they told me that they had closed the old SIM card when they sent the new one to me. They also told me that this was a normal procedure to do and that people normally went without a phone in 3-4 days while waiting for the SIM card to arrive....!!! Hallooo!! Could that BE more WRONG! So...not even an apology ....because this was the way to do it. I tried to ask if they could undo it or that I could go somewhere to get it right away, but that was impossible. So all I could do was wait...which ended up to be 2 weeks...! And I called chess again. I had gotten no SIM card and they said that they had sent it a week ago and I had to go and ask the post office...still no apology...! I finally went down to the post office, and found it there...so I have it now...but it was quite the wait..!
Not only that...but probably also the reason for the long wait, is that we don't get all our mail. We get some, but important mail like bills and stuff get sent back, with address unknown. This happened twice for the internet bill. And they called me to get the real address, which they had...! I have now called the post office twice about this, and now a week after I got my SIM card, I got two pick up slips for the SIM card, with a note on it saying unknown address, but it was crossed out. If I hadn't gone looking for it myself or called the post office, I would never had gotten it, and wouldn't have gotten any important mail. But what I don't get is that it is the right address and they are sending it back, and that we get some mail but not all...! I hate it...don't we got any rights in this system??? If it happens again, I will seriously take some more action than just call in...!! huff....
Just need to get some frustration out! We just have needed to take a lot of crap lately...uff...! I have my mobile phone SIM card from chess.no, and they are very cheap. But there are some negative thing with having a cheap SIM card provider. I just bought a new phone, and I found out that it didn't register my SIM card. They told me that new phones are more sensitive to stripes in the SIM card and I probably needed another one, so They was gone send me one right away. It took some time, and then suddenly my old phone, which I still used, stopped working. I called them up, with my brothers phone, and they told me that they had closed the old SIM card when they sent the new one to me. They also told me that this was a normal procedure to do and that people normally went without a phone in 3-4 days while waiting for the SIM card to arrive....!!! Hallooo!! Could that BE more WRONG! So...not even an apology ....because this was the way to do it. I tried to ask if they could undo it or that I could go somewhere to get it right away, but that was impossible. So all I could do was wait...which ended up to be 2 weeks...! And I called chess again. I had gotten no SIM card and they said that they had sent it a week ago and I had to go and ask the post office...still no apology...! I finally went down to the post office, and found it there...so I have it now...but it was quite the wait..!
Not only that...but probably also the reason for the long wait, is that we don't get all our mail. We get some, but important mail like bills and stuff get sent back, with address unknown. This happened twice for the internet bill. And they called me to get the real address, which they had...! I have now called the post office twice about this, and now a week after I got my SIM card, I got two pick up slips for the SIM card, with a note on it saying unknown address, but it was crossed out. If I hadn't gone looking for it myself or called the post office, I would never had gotten it, and wouldn't have gotten any important mail. But what I don't get is that it is the right address and they are sending it back, and that we get some mail but not all...! I hate it...don't we got any rights in this system??? If it happens again, I will seriously take some more action than just call in...!! huff....
At 11:28 AM,
Georg Muntingh said…
It's horrible... Especially since we're actually paying them to redirect mail to our previous addresses. At least we have a phone now and our internet is working again...
At 11:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
hi sweety and georg! :)
nice to see, that nearly everything is almost fine with u. ;) the doggies are really cute and i'm very happy for u guys!
ps: will u come to icps?
At 6:08 PM,
Annett Thogersen said…
Yes, we will come to ICPS. Looking so much forward to it, and to see you guys of course! :)
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