Update..long time coming..
Hi! It’s been a long time since I have written anything, and a lot has happened.
For our summer vacation we decided to drive through parts of Norway, being tourists for a change. There is a lot that I haven’t even seen in Norway, and doing this we could bring Inu with us. We started with driving to Ålesund visiting Kanutte and Tor helge at Kanutte’s parent’s house in Sjøholt. After a few days there, going in the mountains and visiting Molde and the surrounding area, we decided to drive the west coast back to Oslo. On our way we visited Geiranger. Probably one of the most beautiful places in Norway, and the place kanutte and Tor Helge got married. We spent a few days there and one of the days we went hiking in one of the mountains. We took the boat and then walked up to Skageflå (which is a very popular place to go to). It was raining just a bit and the sun shone through the clouds creating a rainbow. That's when Georg proposed:) and of course I said yes! Great day! We had an amazing trip driving the west coast to oslo, part from small roads and horrible drivers (not me of course..hehe), and we put out more pictures from the trip here. We also went to visit Ålesund, Nidgardsbreen, Bergen, Rosendal, Prekestolen and Lindesnes.
After the engagement we have been busy finding a place and deciding on a date. We have been around to look at several places, and have now decided on one. A few weekends ago, we went to Vikerøya in Larvik. We had already seen a place that we loved, and was sure that THAT was the place, but when we arrived at Vikerøya, we just fell in love with the place. We put out pictures of the place here (..and yes, the barn will be free from grains:)). We didn’t need to go other places to look, and booked it right away. So we will get married the 1st of August 2009. I know it is early to think about this stuff, but next year they are almost all booked up, so to get the date we wanted, we booked right away. We also have created a wedding page, where we will put out all the information about the wedding. It is funny because I have never been one of those "wedding-girls", the ones that have looked forward to get married since birth. I actually didn't think that I wanted to get married, boy was I wrong:) I look very much forward to it..and can't wait till the day comes!

London x 2
This summer I also have been twice in London on vacation. The first time was with my mum. We decided that it was time to take a girls trip to do some (…hehe…some…more LOTS!!) shopping and also to see a musical. We hade a great time. In advance I had received an amazing and detailed guide from Milica about where to eat and shop, we followed to guide religiously. We shopped a LOT and had a really great time there. We also went to see the musical “We will rock you”. My uncle has been in London to see it over three times now, and highly recommended it. And it was totally worth the trip, a great musical, especially if you like Queens. The only thing that almost spoiled the trip was that I got some sort of stomach flue that last couple of days. I was in plain…but it didn’t stop me from shopping or from going to the musical:) More pictures here.
The next time I was in London, Georg and me went to ICPS. Klaus, Ingvild, Mateusz, Sanja and Åsmund was there as well. The conference was great and lots of fun things to listen to. And since I was in London just a month ago, I knew where to go for good restaurants and shops. It was great meeting up with all the people we usually just see at these events and catching up with all the new stuff that has happened. This was my 5th ICPS, and this time I was not involved in any IAPS stuff and not going to the general meeting. It was quite weird being one of the oldest and not really involved in any “conspiracy-things”. We were all quite ready for this to be our last ICPS, and it was a nice conference to end it with. More pictures here.

Dog show
We went to a dog show in Lier the 1st of September. I went to a dog show with Bastian about 12 years ago, so I didn’t quite know what to expect. We hadn’t trained on showing her off since we didn’t quite know what to practice on. We were there early on Saturday, and met Laila (our breeder), so that she could style and cut Inu to the perfect shape. I was the one to take Inu into the ring, and I was very nervous. I probably did everything wrong and got lots of comments on the wrong things…and it made me very nervous. When they handed out the first second and third place, I didn’t know if we got a price or not.. afterwards I found out that we got 2nd place (of 3 though)! We were very happy and proud of little Inu. In spite of me, she won 2nd place..:) We really liked it, it was social, and it was very nice to see the other dogs as well. Her father, brother and her sister (she was the one the won) was there as well. We probably will do it again. I put out picture of the show here.

Part from this we haven’t done much part from being sick. I have almost been sick a month in a row, and I’m sick of it:) I finally found out that it was some sort of sinus infection, and can get well of it now. I also might be allergic to something, and that’s why I get sick all the time. I hope that it is something like that. Just want to find out what it is so I can get rid of it.