Personal Weblog of Annett Thogersen

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Buying a camera and Inu passing the test and receiving the bronze mark in obedience training!

A week ago we bought a new camera, a Canon 35d digital single-lens reflex camera. It is really cool. We have been thinking about this for a while. We have been in so many situations lately where we weren't able to take good enough pictures with my old camera. We love taking pictures, especially of Inu or when we travel, so we decided it was time to upgrade. So now we just have to learn how to use it:)

Also! On Wednesday, Inu passed her test for the bronze mark in obedience training. I have to say that we really didn't do a great job there, but the weather was going against us. It was cold, wet and slippery. Most of the dogs wouldn't even sit down on the ground, and who can blame them:) We were very close to failing, but we just passed. So we were very happy. So our next project will be a beginners course in agility at Stovner Hundeklubb, in April. We are very excited!

Our pretty princess!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

I'm healthy...can it be possible?

I have now been sick since September, been on 5 types of antibiotics + a lot of other things that I don't really know what is, and was now pretty sick of staying home. And frankly walking all over the walls and feeling quite depressed. The doctors had pretty much given up on me and said that it was a migraine or a tension pain, and that I needed to relax and not stress. After staying home so much, I haven't been able to stress. I even tried acupuncture, and I'm VERY afraid of needles:) So...I have been desperate. Even the ear-nose-and throat doctor I saw said it was nothing..maybe migraine. And he put me on medication ..that I got allergic to of course. I felt that the world was against me:) He also sent me to a neurologist with 3 months waiting time...:( He didn't find anything either, but put me on some standard pink pills. When I started using it I lost all energy and just slept (12 hours a day in the start).

But since I switched doctor I have gotten so much more help from the right people. She has been great and very determined to find out what was wrong with me and not giving up. She got me an appointment to an ear-nose and throat doctor at the hospital here in Oslo, and he looked up my nose and into my sinuses. To be able to do that, I had to take anesthesia on my nose, because I have a very thin/crooked nose wall, so it is difficult to get through there. When I got home the nose started to run...quite a lot and it felt like (and still does) like I had a big hole in my nose! And it kept running for over a week. My headache was gone. I was soo happy. It can still come back, and I'm going to the doctor again the 18th of February, and have taken a CT and MRI scan as well. He talked about operating my nose, and I hope he will, to make it more permanent. Since then, the world has been a beautiful place to be:)

It is funny because the good doctors that I have met and have gotten help from has not been native Norwegians, but the ones that have not been so nice and not been able to help me have been Norwegian. Plus all that crap the doctors have given Georg when he has been here (like, "you have to go to your doctor in Holland.."). Unfortunately we get a bit prejudiced about doctors lately, even though we know it doesn't hold for everybody. It has definitively been like this with our experience. It is funny, because it is probably the opposite prejudice than a lot of other people have:)

Me getting well happily coincided with my birthday (the 27nd of January). So we went to Dublin a couple of days to relax and celebrate. It was great! We did a little shopping, went out to restaurants, did a lot of sights-seeing and listen to a lot of live music. We had a blast! Put the pictures out here.

So now I'm back at work, and I'm really enjoying it. A bit afraid it will come back, but hope the doctor can fix it more permanently. Now we at least know what it is, and it is not just in my head:)